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 Our app was based on helping students in extracurricular activities and workers in companies to stay connected and be able to manage their time and communicate effectively. We wanted people to be able to stay connected because like us, we are in extracurricular activities and sometimes things get misinformed or misunderstood. We wanted our app to help people know how to work together.  

To make Hoopla possible, we had to make a business plan. We divided the work into five parts and each girl had to do their part. My part was the Market Analysis, my job was to look at our competition and see what we offered that the competition didn't, how much our app would cost, and who we were making the app for. 

Technovation is a program where girls are able to make an app to help their community out. This year I joined Technovation for the first time, and got into a group of five with friends and my sister.

MIT App Inventor was the program that we used to code our app. It was really fun and interesting, before we did our app we used other ones to help us learn how to use, with the steps to follow.

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